What could cause such a happy baby go from this face...
...to this face?
Answer: Tummy Time! As much as Micah loves his play gym, he hates tummy time. My doctor told me he needs to be on his tummy about 10-20 min a day to strengthen his neck muscles as he'll try to lift his head. So after every play session in his gym, I flip him over for the last few minutes on his tummy.
As you can see...he's not a big fan:)
We've tried both with the pillow and without but it doesn't make much of a difference to him. And now he's developed a new cheating method where he'll just attempt to roll onto his side instead of lifting his head!
Little stinker:)
Tummy time always ends in tears so I usually only let it last a few minutes and let him practice lifting his head when he is upright. (He's getting really good at that at least.)
Couldn't pass up this cute little hiney shot haha.
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