Age: 6 months
Weight: 18lbs
Length: about 26"
Micah loves going to sleep! He is down to about three naps a day: a morning nap, a lunchtime nap, and an afternoon nap. He usually goes to bed around 7pm and then wakes up everyday around 8am. Of course he wakes up 2-3 times in the night to eat.
Micah just recently started on baby food. He has tried rice cereal and all the orange vegetables: carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, etc. We are going to green vegetables, fruits, and then meats. As a taste test one day, we tried pears and he did not approve! (watch video) It is so nice because we qualify for the WIC program and get his food for free!
The little guy has turned into quite the roly-poly. He loves rolling around on the ground with toys. His favorites right now are his squishy blocks, his jungle jumperoo, and his music ball.
He has started sitting up but is still slightly tipsy. He likes practicing by sitting in his bumbo seat. He is also getting his first tooth so everything is in the mouth or covered in drool.
It is hard to even put his silly personality into words. His laugh is so contagious because it's straight from the belly. He is totally a boy and instead of baby squeals, he gives us manly grunts. He has also recently started babbling, mostly saying "woes" and "woos." Sort of sounds like E.T. haha.
Micah is so joyful and just lights up our day.
It's very easy to just live our lives and truck him along with whatever we are doing. We are loving every minute of the stage he is in right now.
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