It's official...we have a screamer. I remember our days of wishful thinking that the baby would sleep all day and be perfectly calm so we could take him anywhere. Haha. Well okay he is like that some days... but on most days our little guy cries...A LOT. But of course we still adore him and it is not his fault! He has major tummy troubles though and we are doing some investigating. There are days where if he is awake, he is screaming...and sometimes his gas pains even wake him up. My suspicions so far are the following:
1) Reflux or GERD - He gags and spits up if placed on his back for long. He coughs and hiccups and has wet sounding burps. He does not spit up a lot, but that's because if it comes up and he swallows it back down before it comes out.
2 ) Oversupply or Foremilk/Hindmilk Imbalance - He has a lot of gas, very gurgly stomach and his bm are pretty watery most days. I have been trying block feedings and it has seemed to help so far, but I've heard it could take weeks before we'd know for sure.
3 ) My diet - I keep hoping it's not this one because I love ice cream, yogurt, pizza, pop, chocolate, coffee. I have been trying to eliminate dairy and caffeine but it is very hard. He actually seems to get fussy on the days where I haven't had much of these things, but I will keep trying anyway.
4) Just his digestive system developing. He does get fussy around the same times everyday...even if it is a calm day. Mornings 5am-9am he has bad gas and evenings 5pm-7pm he is either gassy or just grumpy. Sadly these are the times Stephen is home.
We've tried mylicon gas drops, gripe water, warm baths, tummy massages, rocking, singing, swinging, apacifier, and sitting in his bouncer. We take him on walks, on drives, and dance with him haha. Sometimes these things work, sometimes they don't. Mostly it's just hard to see him cry or in pain and feel helpless, so pray that we will get it all figured out soon. I've heard that most tummy issues resolve around 3 months so this keeps us hopeful.
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