


Micah made a new discovery last week:) He realized he has a tongue and thinks it is so great to stick it out at us hahaha...this may be a preview of things to come. Oh my.


9 months!


Last saturday Micah turned 9 months.
I thought it might be due time for an update and photoshoot. 

I have yet to weigh this little man but he is getting big! 
I think his cheeks must weigh about 5 pounds each.
He is getting a few more teeth in and all of his toys are starting to look reminiscent of dog toys -chewed to pieces. 

His especially loves to eat this pig... (future bacon lover?)

He is definitely ready to be on the move. Not quite crawling yet but he's very close. He's constantly scooting, bouncing, trying to pull himself up, and rolling all over the place. 

His main babbles have been "baba" "dada" and "yaya." We are still working on "mama."

We absolutely love this little guy. He makes every day so joyful. 
In fact, Stephen mentioned the other day that he is such a blast that it might be fun to have another one soon....I don't know about that hahaha. 

My & My Shadow


Sometimes it is so fun to watch Micah discovering everything for the first time. One of the things he has been fascinated with is his shadow.

 They are good buddies now.

Fun With Donuts


Micah loves playing with the donuts in the nursery at church, so a few weeks ago I decided to pick him up his own set when I saw them on sale for $1. 

His favorite thing to do with the donuts is put them around his hands and feet like bracelets. I couldn't help but have some photo fun with this...

By the end of it you can tell he was so done with pictures haha.

First Time on the Swings


Micah is finally big enough to fit in the baby swings at the park. 
We popped him in it a week or so ago and he loved it! The first couple times Stephen pushed him, he started out with this terrified look on his face and had a death grip on the chains. 
But pretty soon he was all smiles!


Soon the smiles turned into full out laughing and squeals:)
And then he decided he was brave and didn't need to hold on any longer:)
What a big boy!